25 September 2013

SLIG intermediate genealogy course desctipion

I spent some time today working on syllabus material for the 2014 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Lots of new information to add. The very last thing for this course syllabus will be verifying all the URLs just before I send it to the syllabus coordinator at the end of November. The 2014 SLIG runs from January 13-17, 2014. Plan to be there a bit early to meet me and the other instructors for this course, Josh Taylor, and Debbie Mieszala, at the welcoming reception on Sunday evening, January 12. The syllabus will be distributed that evening and you also get the opportunity to meet others in this and other courses.

2014 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy
Course I, Intermediate Level, 
American Research and Records: Focus on Families

This intermediate level course provides in-depth learning on 19th-21st century U.S. resources and the methodology for using them. The 2014 course focuses on topics more related to researching families and individuals. Informative and interactive classroom hours delve into significant records and strategies that take you beyond basic research tools both online and off. On-site FHL library support and a computer lab from course instructors provide one-on-one assistance and guidance with your own research. This course alternates years with a course focused on localities. Prerequisites: experience researching in a variety of repositories, familiarity with FamilySearch.org and other websites, and previous class room learning related to family history.

To learn more and to register http://www.infouga.org/aem.php?lv=p&epg=51

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