01 June 2010

Blog anniversary: 1 June 2007

I have no idea why I began blogging on the first of June in 2007, but I am glad that I did. It has given me a place to talk about my own family and family history, tell about research discoveries, and share news about genealogical methodology, resources, and events. I am now working on a series dedicated to Minnesota research resources that are found online and other items in historical societies, archives, university libraries, and in courthouses.

Being a GeneaBlogger has enabled me to connect both online and in person with many others who blog about genealogy and family. I admire those who post more often than I do. Sometimes family and work just interfere with the writing for me and that is as it should be. I have a great time meeting other bloggers at seminars and conferences. Look for us -- we are the ones with the ribbons that say GeneaBlogger.Another great part is that when I am presenting at these events, I have readers who introduce themselves to me. It's all a way of keeping in contact with others who share the passion. Thank you for reading my blog.

Genealogy is both a passion and a business for me. As my Facebook page says "A professional genealogist who loves family history, both mine and that of others. It tells us who we are and where we have come from. I have researched and lectured in most states and in Canada. Yes, I am lucky to be in this field!" I have to admit that both blogging and being on Facebook has brought clients to me. Most of them have been consultations -- helping folks who want advice so they can do their own research.

One person who keeps us Geneabloggers connected, creative, and on our toes is Thomas MacEntee. Thanks Thomas! And thanks to all the other bloggers who keep us informed.


Bill West said...

Happy Blogiversary, Paula!

Thomas MacEntee said...

Happy blogiversary Paula and I can't wait to see you at FGS in Knoxville this August!

Thanks for the shout out too - I love what I do for genealogy bloggers around the world - we have a very active and giving community and I couldn't be happier working with this group.

Sheri Fenley said...