23 November 2014

Paula's Genealogical Eclectic is moving to a new website

This is my last blog post on Paula’s Genealogical Eclectica. I will still be blogging but it will now be on .

That blogging will be just one part of my new website, Genealogy by Paula. If you have been a reader of this current blog, all the older content will be transferred to the new website.

I am able to share additional information with the new format. Be sure to bookmark the new website, continue to read my occasional posts, and peruse the tabs on the website for lots of added details.

See you over at GenealogybyPaula.com.


Ben said...

Wow is good to be back with my ex again, thank you Dr Ekpen for the help, I just want to let you know that is reading this post in case you are having issues with your lover and is leading to divorce and you don’t want the divorce, Dr Ekpen is the answer to your problem. Or you are already divorce and you still want him/her contact Dr Ekpen the spell caster now on (ekpentemple@gmail.com) and you will be clad you did

Dominic Benton said...

Nice bloog thanks for posting