07 April 2008

If budget is approved, NARA's restored hours will stay in place

The post immediately below this one about the U.S. National Archives and the restored hours being cut again is thankfully not correct. I relied on the posting on the National Coalition for History's site and on information from another reliable source, but did not double check the "facts." I was just going to pull the posting I did, but thought it would serve us all as a reminder to double check. The loss of hours would have been another research blow and I thought it was important to post immediately. I am guessing that the word had spread already as I saw the same item posted on Dick Eastman's blog and some electronic mailing lists at about the same time I did. It just shows that U.S. citizens are truly interested in the archives that is supposed to be protecting our nation's history and allowing "ready access."

Check here for the correction.

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